
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

life represented

My daughter Jenny called me on the phone. You know it's an emergency when the phone rings. No one uses the phone anymore, to make phone calls. I pick up the phone. "Jen?" Dead silence. "Jennnnnnnny" Dead silence. Great! I was butt dialed!

Then I heard it .... a small muffled cry that increasingly grew louder. "Mom? There's something wrong, they are sending me to the hospital by ambulance."

Jenny was 6 weeks from her due date. I immediately left work and met the ambulance at the hospital where her and Bobby were. I had been fighting back tears the whole way. The tears were trying to give way to sheer panic. Nope, it's won't do anyone any good to do that, so I talked myself back off the ledge. They admitted her into the hospital.

I spent the night in the hospital with her and during the night hard labor began. Matthew was born the next morning ...... healthy. A mere 5 pounds, 2 ounces. Everyone was fine. They both were in the hospital for a week.

Isn't he adorable? We planned to have a small family get together after they left the hospital, so I got to work on the quilt. After much deliberation, I finally decided on the design above. It's life represented. Yea ... life represented.

The top part is the sky and clouds. The bottom is grass, a stream and more grass. I even embroidered some fish swimming in the stream. The stuff in between is horizon with bicycles and sports. I used my Brother PQ-1500 quilting machine, which is awesome. Cool and fun.

Darn! All the pictures I took of the quilt, I had folded it in half. It is a standard size crib quilt. I used a method I found here. The method shown here is more curvy - but I figured out how to do uneven lines. You can see better towards the bottom with the greens and browns. Nifty stuff.

The whole thing took about a day to make and now it cuddles a young guy most precious.

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