
Thursday, December 25, 2014

favorite memories for Christmas 2014

Growing up, we spent many Christmas s with Aunt Dottie. Some of my most memorable ones in my life were spent with her and Uncle Frank, Darlene, and Barbara Gail. One year, Nick (her son-in-law) has a ruptured ulcer and was rushed to the emergency room. It delayed Christmas for us which was traumatic for a young, eager girl. 

Another year, my dad had sent us 3 of the very same dolls for Christmas that we wanted so badly. It was there in Cincinnati that I received that doll. He did that every year - we all 3 got the very same thing. But those were the coolest dolls ever - they talked.

Every year I get more and more content with my life and this year, Christmas was filled with my family - all of whom I just adore - a perfect Christmas recipe.

During my two weeks off work, I decided to put all my Santa s under the tree and do a special photo shoot. These are all the Santa s Burke has bought me over the years - some of them came bearing gifts.

I got a new camera early for Christmas so I was happily learning how to use it. I must have took 25 pictures of our tree. I never really got the one I liked the best - but this one will do.

Burke shot this one of the Christmas stocking. Sometimes he can be very clever, often taking the opportunity to shoot photos as I am complaining about not getting good pictures. I made the Christmas stockings for everyone in our family.

I made this one for Julia. I found a cool image of a combined American/Swedish flag and embroidered it on her stocking. I told her she could have this and take it back to Sweden when her student visa is up.

We went to a new church this year for Christmas Eve. It was called the Unitarian Universalist of Ann Arbor and I really enjoyed the Christmas Eve celebration. We sang Christmas carols, talked of the Christmas Story, and the message was that every child born brings light into our worlds.

Our dog Butters, who sat patiently at home and waited for us to return. We all stayed up past midnight and I had no problems sleeping that night.

First thing Christmas morning, I headed up the stairs and was greeted by our cat Q who always runs me down to fill up his food dish. He always freaks out if there is the smallest of missing food.

Burke set up the tripod and we took a few family pictures before the unwrapping of gifts began. This one I was more interested in talking with Matthew than looking at the camera.

Jason got a Chuck Norris movie from Jackie. I think he really liked it. We got him a new desktop that he asked for.

Jackie calls Matthew "Bruce Wayne", so she got him this bib. I love it!

Julia opening her presents. She hates it when I take her picture - but she lets me.

I didn't get a good one of Jenny's family, I'm so mad about that. Jen sent me this picture the next day. Aren't they gorgeous?! We got Bobby a new coat, Jenny got some dog grooming supplies that she really loved.

This present was for lil Bobby. It was the video game chair that he really liked. I bought 2 for our basement for when the boys come to spend the night.

Jackie and Mel with Matthew. I really like Mel's present from Jackie - it's a NASA space camp jumpsuit. I got Jackie some clothes and Mel got a herb garden.

The boo bear. It's so weird I have to wake her up every year for Christmas morning. She turned 14 this year and is more beautiful every day. We got her a new desk chair for her room and some new headphones.

William played Santa this year and did a great job. He got a chair just like Hollys.

I got a new Santa from Burke, bearing some rolled up money in his hand. :) I think he might be my favorite one so far. God, I'm getting so fat..... *sigh**

We went over to Burke's moms house later that day for Christmas dinner. It was great to see Maryann, Sean, Peter, Molly, Noah, Archer, and Chuck. A small crowd considering there are 7 brothers and sisters in his family - but nice all the same.

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