
Saturday, May 23, 2015

julia's graduation photos

As part of the foreign exchange student experience here in Saline, Julia gets to walk with the rest of the senior class of 2015. When she got her cap and gown, I asked her if we could do pictures and she said "Sure!" Ha! She made such a fuss last time I figured no way would she let me, but she did!

This time instead of having Jackie do her makeup and hair, I told her these were pictures where she could look the way she wanted.

So she said, "Ok, I'm ready", and just threw on her cap and gown. No makeup - no hair straightener. Just Julia.

We went over to the high school and picked a few places to get some good pictures. She took her camera to get her own pictures of the school.

I like this one. She walked all over trying to find actual grass to sit on and not weeds. Even took pictures of the ground before deciding. I finally got her in front of the Saline Hornets water tower.

Julia really did love the school, going every single day no matter how badly she felt. 

There were a bunch of geese on school grounds and she was taking pictures of them as I was taking pictures of her.

This one is another one of my favorites.

By the end, she had pulled off her gown stating it was just too hot. Last shot before heading home. I love seeing the school behind her.

This year didn't count for her and she still has 2 more years of high school when she returns to Sweden, but the experiences and the friends she made will last a life time.

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