
Sunday, July 19, 2015

northern michigan wedding - sunset on lake michigan

 It seriously can't get any more beautiful than this. It was a blustery day and we grabbed our hoodies and headed over to Frankfort, MI to watch the sunset on Lake Michigan.

The waves were spectacular.

The kids on the beach in front of the lighthouse.

While Bobby was wrestling with the baby to keep him from eating the sand.

Burke and Holly practicing Tae Kwon Do on the beach.

Mom relaxing on the swing. She's never seen Lake Michigan before.

I finally got some decent shots of Jason in the lake grass. I love this one.

Got my grandson William to do the same. Isn't he handsome?

The waves were breaking around the pier near the lighthouse. Amazing.

In the distance off the shoreline. I used my blue filter to get even deeper blues.

Then I put on my tea color filter to really bring out the grays.

And now the orange. I love the orange filter on the already orange sunset.

The waves were strong and the reflection of the sun hit the beach.

The people gathered earlier to all watch the sunset together. My mom saw her first one and was speechless. If you haven't seen a Lake Michigan sunset - I would highly recommend it. A sight to behold.

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