
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

acts of kindness

The holidays were fast approaching. Julia had returned to Sweden back in August but we chat through Skype about twice/week.

What do you want for Christmas? she asked over and over. A million dollars, I would say. No, seriously .... what do you want?

My family always struggle with this very thing. If I really want something - I just buy it, so it doesn't leave a lot to choose from in terms of gift giving. Then it came to me ...

Acts of kindness ...

Why don't you perform an act of kindness, write it in a Christmas card, and send that card to us for Christmas?

No really .... what do you want for Christmas, she said.

It took me a few minutes to convince her. After she thought about it, it turned into 12 acts of kindness. One for each member of the family (Me, Burke, Holly, Jason, Matthew, Lil B, Big B, Jenny, Jackie, William, my mom (Pat), and yes, even Butters). Although Christmas was fast approaching - we put no time limit on it.

It took her awhile to get in the right mindset. But far to date ... 6 have been completed and I think they are amazing. :)

First was the Lussekatter. She's learning how to cook and made them to pass out to the homeless. With the flood of refugees in Sweden, there are plenty to be found.

Second was she bought gingerbread and gave it to others in her school.

Third was she noticed a lady that seemed rather tired behind her in line at the grocery and she let her go first.

The fourth was for Butters. She found a dead bee and gave it a proper burial.

Complete with a squirt of honey for the trip of everlasting peace.

Fifth was she made a origami flower for a departing teacher at her school. The teacher was so happy, she hugged Julia 3 times.

And the number six, was delivering warm clothing to the refugees in Sweden. Since it's been snowing in Sweden, it's was really needed.

So, family members ... go ahead and pick your favorite and claim it as your Christmas gift from Julia. I can't wait to see what she'll do next, but she seems to be having a great time doing it. The feeling you get from doing something kind for someone else is immeasurable.

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