
Sunday, February 21, 2016

fancy header for pocket doors

Actually I think the proper style of this trim is craftsman. I love the look. I made the headers for both sides of the pocket door and spent $20.00. 

I know right? Here's how I did it.

I purchased 4 1x6's and using my table saw ripped them down to size. One strip was 2 1/2 inches and the other 1 1/2 inches.

I routed the edges using the round over bit and sanded them down.

This is a bad picture - but it's another strip 1 1/2 wide and routed with a roman ogee bit. 

I glued and nailed my strips down to my 3 1/2 inch trim pieces that I used on the sides as well.

Then I caulked and sanded everything.

And finished it with a nice gloss paint. All ready to hang.

Now it adorns my new pocket doors on my newly ALMOST finished photography room.

I can close it off when I need to keep the grandkids out or open it up wide for a portrait shoot. Who wouldn't love it?! Now, I just need to finish the window, electrical box and ceiling. No rest for the wicked!

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