
Sunday, February 28, 2016

thread board for my sewing space

It was time to put my thread board back up with some modifications. Burke originally created the board for my sewing room. Now that we have proper tools and the basement remodel slowing down, I wanted to reinvent it to better suit my needs.

I spent so very little on this board. Burke's sister Aileen gave us the peg board. I bought a 1x4 ($5.00) piece of lumber and used it as the trim.

I cut them and primed them. Burke had originally created the trim so had reinforced the outside with a 1x1 ($3.00) . So I had something to nail the new trim into.

I glued and then nailed the new trim to the old, using the same craftsman style that I used around the doors in the basement.

Originally we had pushed in 3 inch long dowels into the peg holes and hung the thread spools on them. It did work, but they fell off quite a lot. A fix was in order.

The spool strips I created by ripping an 1 1/2 inch strip of lumber and then put it through my table saw at a 45 degree angle. Then I sanded and primed them. I reused the original dowels.

Then I drilled every 2 1/4 - 2 1/5 inches so to stagger the pegs to allow the thread to sit nicely. I put some glue on the ends of the dowels and tapped them into the holes.

Then we nailed the new spool pegs to the board. Since I had the 1x1 running alongside the back of the board - I had a good stable place to hold nails. The spool pegs are holding nearly 60 spools - these are mostly embroidery thread I have.

I bought that thread holder hanging in the upper left hand corner a few years ago - it cost me $10.00. I continue to use it for my serger thread.  I already had the wire baskets - they were actually a gift. The small metal baskets on the bottom - I bought in Traverse City, MI during my daughters wedding last year. It was nice to get to re-use them.

There's still plenty of room for more - and I still have more thread that needs an organized spot.


  1. LOVE your sewing place. I need to do something with mine, too. Thanks for the inspiration. VERY neat, too. Best wishes, Linda


  2. Thanks! Stay tuned for some new improvements to my sewing room.
