
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

life in computer science

Our Girls Who Code club is humming along and when my brother in law offered to speak at an upcoming meeting, I jumped at the chance. I quickly scheduled a time in case he thought about changing his mind.

I put together this advertisement to promote the event. My intention was to invite as many kids as possible - girls and boys.

Steve Laatsch sent the promo to the entire Saline School district.

 Jamie Saville sent the invites to her U of M computer science girls and various other girls in computer science clubs.

Chuck drove all the way from Kalamazoo (2 hours each way) to do the talk. 

The girls were engaged as he talked about life developing online games and they asked a lot of questions.

Clearly these girls are interested in becoming developers in their lives and it was fun to see the excitement. Plus, it's always fun to speak geek with other nerds. It was a great talk, with some good questions, and discussions of  current and future tech gadgets. Well done Mr. Hess!


  1. Great event Tammy! Thanks for organizing it........

    1. Thanks for being there and all the support you've shown!
